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Chinese Artistic Character——Wu Ming San Sheng

来源:联合早报中文网作者:邵湖心更新时间:2021-08-30 14:28:54阅读:


Carry forward the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy, carry forward the Chinese spirit, present the image of Chinese painting and calligraphy to the world, and show the dialogue and exchanges between Chinese artists and international culture.

In order to allow foreign art lovers and collectors to have a deeper understanding of Chinese traditional culture and art, New Media has specially planned this art topic, which is pided into two versions in Chinese and English. This event was recommended by the Singapore Academy of Arts and Singapore Lianhe Zaobao. I believe this special topic will make Chinese painting and calligraphy a wave of art overseas!

Art resume

Wu Ming San Sheng: formerly Zhao Haijun

Artistic resume:China calligraphy and painting trading center prepares to build Wu Ming San Sheng international art studio and concurrently serves as the Standing Committee of calligraphy.He made a full page calligraphy report with his mentor Mr. Ouyang in the Xizhi calligraphy and pictorial hosted by the Central Museum of literature and history. It was rated as the most potential calligrapher and painter in China by Chinese enterprise reports, people's network, online TV China and other media. Collect books at the invitation of the calligraphy and painting art exchange center of the China Federation of literary and art circles. China International philatelic network publishes the works on telephone cards and postal postcards for public welfare. The Chinese national ceremony center honorably produces the Chinese national ceremony - the art desk calendar of famous calligraphers and painters. Participate in the joint exhibition of Chinese enterprises reporting the prosperity of Chinese calligraphy and painting circles and famous calligraphers and painters presenting their blessings for the 65th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. He was employed as the chairman of the National Federation of calligraphy and painting art circles.

Motto:Calligraphy spreads all over the life, so as to melt the heart. I wish to make friends all over the world.




There is no lack of beauty in flowing rhyme

——Appreciation of Zhao Haijun's Calligraphy

Zhao Haijun has studied calligraphy for many years and participated in the calligraphy class of the first normal university. Guided by many famous calligraphers, he has made remarkable achievements and began to take on his own face. Zhao Haijun's calligraphy involves seal script, official script, regular script, line and grass. His seal script is based on the important tools of the Western Zhou Dynasty, such as Sanshi pan, Da Yu Ding and Mao Gong Ding. He has an ancient structure, round and concise lines and simple thickness The big pot tripod is rigorous, simple and down-to-earth, with both square and round strokes and strict and dignified ends The structure of Mao GONGDING is symmetrical and accurate, the lines are strong and steady, the layout is appropriate, and other characteristics are integrated and skillfully combined, forming a simple and plain style with both square and round, no lack of old and spicy flavor, and with the graceful and smooth posture of small seal characters. Its official script originates from Cao Quan Bei and ritual vessel stele. The font is beautiful, flat and symmetrical, stretch and elegant, symmetrical in size, regular on the left and square on the right, strict in law, thin and vigorous in pen, varied in weight, quiet, solemn, elegant and beautiful. Regular script sees the appearance of face and body. Regular script is cautious, round, fat, thin, magnificent, and clumsy. The structure is broad, smooth and dignified, which seems to give people a profound atmosphere. The cursive script has the rhyme of sun Guoting. It shows the front and takes the momentum. The rhythm is lively, which makes the pen vibrate and jump.

I wish Zhao Haijun's calligraphy art a higher level, create more and better works and contribute to the society.

(Author :Xi Wen)

▲ ‘’Choose good pay‘’138X69cm


Comments on calligraphy and painting works of famous Chinese contemporary artists, Zhao Haijun

His calligraphy has been widely practiced and successful. It not only has a solid foundation, but also becomes free and spiritual. Trying to catch up with the elegant demeanor of Qingjun. Therefore, the writing style is high, ancient and original, and the characters have ancient style. His calligraphy pen is quite vigorous. Although there is no calcium carbide fire, he can experience the trace of deep rock drilling and carving. Its calligraphy inherits the ancient rhyme of the book, the structure is elegant, high and ancient, and the method is active. In the seemingly simple and normal pen and ink, there are strange dangers and sudden strength everywhere. The spiritual charm of calligraphy is gradually enlightened, which is commendable.(Distinguished critic:Shan Guoqiang,Lv Changsheng

▲ Regular script''Optimistic and cheerful''68X68cm


▲ Official script''humanity , justice and morality''68X68cm


▲ Regular script''Good communication ''68X68cm 


▲ Regular script''Dream brilliance ''68X136cm


▲ Seal character''Happiness consists in contentment.''69X138cm


▲ Regular script''The wise man takes pleasure in water ''68X136cm


▲ Official script''Disadvantage is blessing''138X 69cm 


▲ inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty''Harmonious family can lead to the success of everything ''96×178cm


▲ Own poems ''Zhu Meng Hui Huang''129X248cm


▲ Official script''Jin Cheng''133X66cm


▲ inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty''The spring breeze comes after the snow, and the years are the same''68X136cm


▲ Regular script''You Rong'' 136X68cm


▲ Regular script''Extol China Millennium Monument ''68X136cm

标题:Chinese Artistic Character——Wu Ming San Sheng




